RSNA Report: Koios earns best booth design for small company
Virtual #RSNA20 Meeting Report
Possibly great new products! I attended several pre-RSNA product presentations organised by the big vendors and prepared for my time zone and actually did not believe that it would be well spend personal time to go through all the VIRTUAL BOOTH setups, that are obviously all different and that all need some initial explanation on how to use or where to find things. I also believe that the summaries that AUNT MINNIE or the vendors present are more complete and possibly less biased then my annual selection — but do not worry, I will do it again next year regardless!
Some big vendors did not even have a virtual booth (United Imaging) or required you to sign up separately again (CANON and GE). One of the highlights of my annual report is my rating of the best booth design. This year it goes to PHILIPS (large company) and KOIOS (small company) that impressed me with ease of use, information content, and their virtual design and presentation. CONGRATS on that one, but please invest in a real one for 2021. But I believe that all vendors should have a virtual booth anyway all year around that allows them to present and highlight their current offering. Maybe a good idea to host a virtual 365 day RSNA conference?