Koios DS Breast 2.0: Best available AI diagnostic technology

Via CIOAdvisor Apac: The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) recently issued 510(k) clearance for Koios DS Breast 2.0, an innovative version of the AI-based diagnostic software by Koios Medical, a top provider of decision support software for ultrasound diagnostics.

Koios DS (Decision Support) Breast 2.0, the recently launched AI-based diagnostic tool, enables a machine learning powered approach towards detecting and classifying types of breast cancer. The diagnostic software is now officially available for use at point of care.

The automated Koios DS Breast 2.0 can offer a proprietary configuration to BI-RADS (breast imaging-reporting and data system) for any lesion detected and can also be connected to PACS (picture archiving and communication system) imaging technology.

Koios Medical has always been focused on enabling improved diagnostic accuracy to physicians and the recent launch is considered an important step towards achieving this.

Read the full article from CIOAdvisor Apac here.

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